How do I start earning with OhMyDosh?

Great question! Earning money on OhMyDosh! is as easy as 123, (which conveniently is as easy as ABC). Just look through the site and take any offers that are of interest to you. You can do this from the comfort of home or even on the go.

When you complete an offer, you'll see that offer appear in your account. After a while (usually 24-72 hours) the status will change to pending, it is then the job of the OhMyDosh gremlins to update the status of the offer, so don’t panic if this doesn't happen instantly.

Once an offer is pending, our advertisers will then check that you have completed the offer correctly, this normally happens quite quickly, however, in some cases this can take up to 45 days to be approved. However, fear not, you can continue to complete other offers whilst waiting for offers to be approved.

Once the advertiser has confirmed you have fully completed the offer, it will change from pending to payable, you can find all this info by clicking the 'History' button in the account section of the site. At this point you’ll see some sweet dosh appear in your account.

When you reach the £10 mark, you’ll be able to request payment to your PayPal account or bank account via BACs. As if by magic you will then have the earnings in your account within a few working days! (At this point take a look at yourself in the mirror and appreciate what an incredible specimen of human being you are)